Penguins Room
In the Penguins Room we promote independence, self-expression, learning manners, developing clean habits, and most importantly, having fun! While following a structured routine, your child will grow friendships through developing personalities and inclusive group activities. We focus on building vocabulary, colors, sensory, and utilizing fine and gross motor skills.
Meal Time
We eat all of our meals in our room and wash our hands before and after eating. A menu can be found via the Daily Connect app and posted in our classroom. We serve breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack on a schedule and provide the Miracle 360 sippy cup during meals. We do not offer a bottle in this room, and milk is only offered during meal times at the table. Water breaks are given frequently throughout the day in a sippy cup.
We will no longer document how much milk is drunk at each meal, only that they drank little, some, most, or all.
If you prefer your child isn’t served what is on the menu or if your child has an allergy to what is being served, you are required to bring them an alternative. You can choose to do this daily or bring food for the freezer and we can heat it up on the days needed.
We change your child’s diaper every 2 hours unless they are soiled in between. We apply diaper ointment any time your child’s bottom is slightly pink and after every bowel movement to prevent rashes. We will communicate all diaper changes through the parent communication app.
Please ensure that your child has an adequate supply of diapers, wipes, clothes, and ointment at all times. When we are running low on items, a NEED will be placed on the parent communication app.
Nap Time
Children in the Penguin room are given one afternoon nap that is right after lunch. Children sleep on cots and are given their blanket to be covered up with.
Nap times are documented in the parent communication app.
During the day, we break into small groups to give the children more one on one time with the teacher and to help develop their skills in art, sensory, fine and gross motor skills.
Our art projects include coloring, painting, and are centered around our themes. Sensory activities include creative ways to introduce touch, taste, sight, hearing and smelling.
Gross motor activities involve using our large muscles in games or by going outside, playing with balls, climbing structures, large blocks, etc. Fine motor activities use smaller muscles. To use our fine motor skills we use stacking rings, snap beads, pop its, and other age appropriate manipulatives.
In our room we have circle time everyday and we talk about the alphabet, numbers (1-10), colors, shapes, animal sounds, body parts, and simple sign language (colors and other simple communication words). We sing lots of songs, participate in felt board stories, and read books related to our weekly theme.
One year olds are learning about their personal space and how to communicate with their friends. We work on simple, one-word, communication and appropriate responses.
Outside Play
We go outside year round weather permitting. This may look like going to play on the playground or going for walks around the neighborhood. Please have your child wear hard soled shoes everyday. Please bring sunscreen that can stay here as we go outside as often as we can in the spring, summer, and fall. In the winter months we try to go outside when the weather is nice. Your child will need a winter coat, hat, waterproof gloves, snow pants, and snow boots. We will communicate the day before if the weather looks nice to bring these items. They do not need to be brought in daily.