Caterpillar Room
We believe that our role is to meet your child’s daily needs in a timely manner and show them lots of love. We begin teaching them how to build trust and give them a positive sense of self.
We want to maintain as much consistency as possible from home to Precious Angels. We will maintain your child’s feeding schedule or help establish a schedule if one has not been established.
If your infant is exclusively breastfed at home, we highly recommend giving your infant at least one bottle per day at home. This will help with the transition to bottles at Precious Angels and set your infant up for successful feedings. Many infants will not drink well for us here if they are only breastfed at home. We can supplement formula and breastmilk.
Infants that drink formula must bring an unopened can. We use tap water to mix the formula, but you are welcome to bring purified water if that is preferred. We can supplement formula and breastmilk.
We are committed to not wasting any breastmilk and will only thaw and warm up the desired amount of milk per feeding.
Consistency is key for the successful growth and development along with their transition to an early childhood environment. If you start supplementing breast milk and formula please let us know so your infant is given the same proportions here. Once you start introducing infant cereal, baby food, or baby led weaning please let us know so we can offer that here as well. They may not be skilled right away and we would love to help them reach that milestone.
We will not start any food without parent permission. Cereal and baby food are supplied by the parents. Table food is supplied by Precious Angels. Menus can be found on the calendar in the parent communication app and hanging in the Caterpillar Room. We can start slowly introducing foods and at your and your infants preferred pace. During the transition to table food, baby food will be given in addition as needed.
If you prefer your child isn’t served what is on the menu or if your child has an allergy to what is being served, you are required to bring them an alternative. You can choose to do this daily or bring food for the freezer and we can heat it up on the days needed.
Feedings are documented in the parent communication app. This includes how much milk was made and how much was drunk.

We change your infant’s diaper every 2 hours unless they are soiled in between. We apply diaper ointment any time your child’s bottom is slightly pink and after every bowel movement to prevent rashes. We will communicate all diaper changes through the parent communication app.
When we are running low on diapers, wipes, and ointment, a NEED will be placed on the parent communication app.
Use of Equipment
We will not place your child in a sit me up chair, exersaucer, etc without your verbal permission. We encourage as much floor time as possible for infants as this helps them reach their developmental milestones.
Naps are not scheduled in this room and are when the infant falls asleep. Each child may be on their own individual nap schedules. Infants will be placed on their back to sleep and when they are able to roll over they are left on their stomachs if they move to that position while sleeping. We do have a select number of cribs available for our youngest infants. Infants that do not sleep in a crib are put to sleep on a pack n play mattress. We do not allow the infants to sleep in bouncy chairs, swings, etc. Infants lay flat to sleep.
We are not allowed to swaddle an infant, wrap them in a blanket, or have them covered by a blanket until they are one years old. Infants are only allowed to wear bibs during feedings. Your infant is able to wear a sleep sack as long as their arms can move freely.