Butterflies Room
In the Butterflies Room, your child will participate in small groups for growth development consisting of art, sensory, and fine and gross motor skills. The Butterflies will go outside in the Spring, Summer, and Fall, weather permitting. They will go on walks in strollers and play outside on the turf on our playground! If your child has developmental needs we will address those individually with intention and strategy.
Meal Time
In this room we feed the infants on a schedule of breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. They are introduced to a hard top sippy cup and/or the Miracle 360 sippy cup. Amounts of milk made and drank will be noted in the parent communication app along with how well they ate each meal. We typically provide 4 oz of milk at each feeding along with the food. Infants sit in high chairs at a table for mealtimes.
Meals consist of any one or a combination of the following:
Table food, breastmilk, formula, Vitamin D milk, baby food as needed
Breastmilk: Fresh or frozen breast milk may be brought for your infant. Fresh milk can be brought in individual bags, bottles, or a shaker. Frozen milk may be brought in individual bags. Please only bring a gallon size baggie full of individual bags. Please label each bag/bottle with your child’s name and the date in which it was expressed.
Menus are posted in the classroom and on the calendar in the parent communication app.
Table food is preferred in this room and we will work with you on the transition from baby food to table food if your child isn’t on table food when they come to the room. Table food is included in the tuition rate. We serve table food in very small pieces and supervise the children while they eat. During the meal we offer their milk in a sippy cup at the table. If the milk is not completed in the sippy cup, we will then pour it into their bottle and hold your infant to bottle feed them until the age of one. At one year of age we will no longer offer a bottle after feedings. If your child does not finish their milk at the table we will hold them and provide them their sippy cup.
If you prefer your child isn’t served what is on the menu or if your child has an allergy to what is being served, you are required to bring them an alternative. You can choose to do this daily or bring food for the freezer and we can heat it up on the days needed.
We change your infant’s diaper every 2 hours unless they are soiled in between. We apply diaper ointment any time your child’s bottom is slightly pink and after every bowel movement to prevent rashes. We will communicate all diaper changes through the parent communication app.
Please ensure that your child has an adequate supply of diapers, wipes, and ointment at all times. When we are running low on items, a NEED will be placed on the parent communication app.
Infants are given two naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. A late afternoon nap may be given depending on their first 2 naps and parent preference. Once your child is over one years old and is being prepared to transition to the Penguin room, only one nap will be given in the afternoon.
Infants sleep on the same pack n play mattress as they did in the Caterpillar room. Infants are not allowed to sleep with a blanket until they are one years old. A sleep sack can be used as long as their arms can move freely.
Nap times are documented in the parent communication app.
Throughout the day your infant will participate in small groups for growth development consisting of art, sensory, fine motor, and a gross motor. We do not often complete all of these activities everyday, but are able to throughout the week.
In this room, we will go outside in the Spring, Summer, and Fall, weather permitting. They will go on walks in strollers and play outside on the turf on the playground. If we are unable to get outside, we will play in the activity room.
Your child will need hard sole shoes as they start walking and for outside play.
If your child has developmental needs, we will address those individually.