4 Learning Styles and How to Support Your Child's Style

What are Learning Styles?

Learning styles are the different ways people like to learn. There are four main types of learning styles according to the VARK model:

a wall of valentine's day crafts at precious angels learning center
  • Visual Learners: Kids who learn best by seeing things. They often prefer pictures, diagrams, and demonstrations. They might enjoy activities like drawing, puzzles, and watching videos.

  • Auditory Learners: Kids who learn best by hearing things. They often prefer lectures, group discussions, and audio recordings. They might enjoy storytelling, listening to audiobooks, and talking about ideas.

  • Read/Write Learners: Kids who learn best by reading and writing. They often prefer books, articles, and notes. They might enjoy writing stories, journaling, or taking tests.

  • Kinesthetic Learners: Kids who learn best by doing things. They often prefer hands-on activities and physical activity. They might enjoy playing sports, building things, or experimenting.

It's important to remember that most kids use a mix of learning styles.

Identifying Your Child's Learning Style

a group of pre-k kids running around in a classroom at precious angels

To find out how your child learns, watch what they do. Do they like to look at pictures or listen to stories? Do they like to play with toys or read books?

Look for patterns in your child's behavior. Do they seem to remember things better after seeing a picture or hearing a story? Do they learn best by doing things or by reading about them?

Remember, all kids are different, and learning styles can change over time.

Supporting Your Child's Learning Style

Help your child learn by creating a supportive learning environment. This environment should fit their style and allow them to process information in their own way. Here are some ideas:

  • For visual learners: Use colorful charts, pictures, and diagrams. Watch educational videos together. Encourage drawing, coloring, and other visual activities.

  • For auditory learners: Read aloud to your child often. Talk about different topics. Play educational songs or podcasts. Encourage storytelling and discussions.

  • For read/write learners: Offer plenty of books and writing materials. Encourage journaling, writing stories, and taking notes.

  • For kinesthetic learners: Provide opportunities for hands-on activities. Encourage physical play and exploration. Let them learn through movement and experimentation.

Remember, it's important to offer a variety of learning experiences to cater to different styles.

Tips for Parents

  • Observe your child: Pay attention to how your child learns best.

  • Create a supportive environment: Make sure your home supports your child's learning style.

  • Encourage a variety of activities: Expose your child to different learning experiences.

  • Be patient: Understanding your child's learning style takes time.

  • Celebrate successes: Praise your child's efforts and achievements.

a young girl sitting criss cross and listening attentively to the teacher at precious angels

By understanding and supporting your child's learning style, you can help them reach their full potential. Remember, every child is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to learning.

Precious Angels is committed to helping children learn and grow. Our teachers know how kids learn best and give them different activities to help them learn in their way.


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